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Sunday, September 7, 2008

DI Closed: Take 438972546797?

We've all seen the website or heard the news on the rumor mill: the gay club DEVILinside has closed (again). Yawn -- we've heard this before, as a ploy to get attention when attendance is down, and it's hard to believe this isn't yet another attempt to increase traffic when (and if) the public is allowed in again. As club guests, we don't want to be manipulated or made part of silly games. We are looking for a good place for music, conversation, fun and relaxation.

DEVILinside used to be *the* best place on the grid for gay parties. Guests would gather in the club to meet the hottest guys, and countless partnerships began there. It was full most days of the week. It was exciting. It was fun. Fast forward and today it is DEADinside. I interviewed Ayor for inV when DI was smoking and can't believe how hard it has fallen. So what happened to lead to the club's downfall? My one word answer: EGO. When you believe you can never fail is exactly when others find your weaknesses and prove that you can. It's amazing how Ayor and Luca ran that club into the ground.

So, what are some things I observed that drove people away from DI? While I was never banned from the club, I saw several people banned for minor issues; sometimes for simply disagreeing with the owners. Yes, sometimes people need to be banned (think griefers), but when a club depends on filling the room with people, banning someone just because you don't like them isn't good business.

In addition, the attitude of DI management to staff and DJs many times left the staff feeling underappreciated. The bad staff took it out on the guests (or ignored them totally), the good staff left and took the crowds with them. And who can blame them? As staff problems got worse many people were alienated, and is it any wonder that people choose to party at BLU, Tainted Boys or High Energy instead? DIs response was typical: in desperation they banned many club owners for simply having a club that drew their usual crowd, which turned even more people off of the club. Did they not think people noticed there boor business and behavior?

It's a shame that a club with so much potential had to turn to such low measures in a futile attempt to keep a crowd. Close to the end there were rumors they were using bots to fill the place. People don't appreciate manipulation, and won't fall for the "club closing" ploy. If DI had wanted to recover, it was possible through strong management and client focus, but anger and ego got in the way. Was this because they had a kid with no experience run the club? The glory days will be missed, but the struggles and manipulative games won't. Even if it *does* return it will never be respected and appreciated as it once was. The king is dead.

This is the notecard for the first ploy at getting attention. It was apparently leaked out by accident, yeah right. Have a look.
After many weeks of procrastination Ayor and myself have decided to close DEVILInside. This will take effect from Friday May 16th at 12 midnight.

The closure is due for the most part to our "Lack of Motivation" and the lack of motivation of staff. This closure may or may not be permanent. The club will remain in place but no public access will be permitted.

If you would like to discuss this please IM Ayor or myself as we are not closed to suggestions regarding the club.

We would like to thank you all for your support over the past 18 months. It has been a fantastic journey for us all.

At this stage we may re-open after the Northern summer, but we will assess that closer to the time.

Kind regards

Ayor & Luca

If it is dead why haven't we been ejected from the group?


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Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pay for a rip either, would you?

Carl Wilder, Gay Surfer Boi said...

Well, in it's day DI was a great club. Perhaps some dubious tricks were used (or maybe not), but it's gone now. And the ascerbic attacks on someone who, at the end of the day, is just a 19 yo finding his place in life, seem WAY out of proportion to me. None of us are perfect, and we all stumble sometimes. Time to move on guys...

Anonymous said...

Im' 19 and I know how to treat people. My mother and father taught my siblings and I at a very young age the word respect. Last time I checked an adult is 18. So the kid your refering an adult.

Anonymous said...

Some people are immature for their age. But you would think he'd finally get it or maybe not if he is special.

Anonymous said...

Honesty wasn't a good choice of words to use for Devilinside. I think they forgot the dis in front of it.

Anonymous said...

ding dong the witch is dead. I don't think Carl you could persudae to many people in the gay community your opinion is very accurate.

Anonymous said...

Yup glad there done. That's it.

Anonymous said...

I rushed to check out this post and no where do I find Demerick talking about the build ever being paid or not paid. They are delusional.

Anonymous said...

I am a personal friend of Kane Maruti from the first day he washed up on Boots beach! Anybody that claims he is Syriana Paine should be ashamed of themselves. He is one of the sweetest kindest men. Who I might had has never had any stake in DI. He likes to have fun and party. He isn't here to make money or cause drama. He likes to party and make others laugh. Jared and him are very close and often talk to each other outside of SL. They talk to each other quite often and tell each other pretty much everything. It's a said day to see that the gay and bi community can try to destroy innoncent people. If Kane were to decide to leave SL. I couldnt blame him but I for one would know that SL would be a far worse place without him.

Anonymous said...

It was brought up in Anono comments. It had nothing to do with the original post. Its just another attempt by sad Luca FAILED.

Anonymous said...

If the few remaining who stand by their past actions leave SL or open new accounts, whatever. And maybe they will reflect on what pissed off everyone before rushing into alt rebirth.

Their accounts are dead. They will never know who is a friend and who will betray them for the common good. They have betrayed each other in the past and will do it again. They are best friends tonight and in the morning shoving daggers into each others backs.

If they stick to the present accounts, they will always have to explain themselves to new and old friends, for days, weeks, months, even years ahead. Anything and everything will be jinxed by the past.

Anyone can be an irritating prick but it takes lasting integrity, openness and honesty to gain the respect and trust of your peers. Let's hope they grow up fast and learn fast or disappear. We don't want negative disturbance eating up fun game time.

Anonymous said...

waves bye bye.

Anonymous said...

"And the ascerbic attacks on someone who, at the end of the day, is just a 19 yo finding his place in life, seem WAY out of proportion to me." carl wilder

He was not finding his "place in life", he is an adult who had months to think about what he was doing and it was getting worst. If that was his "place in life" then we are delighted he has been pushed out of his pram. No one logs in for the kind of hassles those miserable scheming sods were dishing out so...


Anonymous said...

bb u said this but when you speak are u speaking of Syriana. Come on you know Kane is Syriana. If he leaves sl well he is still here as Syriana. May I remind you b.b. this is her day job so no getting rid of Kane just the lies thats behind that Kane avatar.

Anonymous said...

It has been sad watching the meltdown of a great club over the last year and the end of a contribution to the Second Life experience.

I hope those involved are still standing and once the dizzyness has passed will give this some thought. You got caught out. It took a long time. But you got caught out. How you handle this forward from here is your business, but do try and behave better than you already have. So far it has been online suicide.

All anyone wants from Second Life is what it was created to be: a place for meeting friends and having a good time. Anyone who spits in the beer is never going to be welcome at this party.

Ammon Pera said...

...Thanks everyone but this will be the final comment to this post. Have a great week.

All questiones or comments about the daily please send to We will not answer any questions about the daily inworld. Thank you

Anonymous said...

LMAO god these comment are biteful but so true. The people listed in these comments are people we all know to say or keep our distance from. Anyone that involves themselves with the di crew you probably next to lose your business. I wouldn't associate with anything of these paranoids and fucked in the head people.

Ayor, Luca, Marco, Rocco, Peebee, Syriana, Kane are the dirtiest shit bags in sl. Lets all watch them self destruct and laugh somemore. Dooms Day is coming.

Anonymous said...

First off I have nothing ugly or hateful to say. I just want to voice my opinion on this matter. 2ndly, I hate anonymous posts. I'm sorry but I cant take your complaining all that seriously if you gotta do it in hiding.

OK, getting past that, I am not all that surprised that DI is closing. I actually MORE surprised that it's taken this long to close. DEVILinside was THE place back in it's day but just like any club in SL, and there are TONS, people will get bored with it and get tied up in the latest and greatest being offered.

Being a manager there, I did start to see this slow decline and yes we did fight for a while to keep up, but things just started getting out of hand. I mean how much could I really do to get people in the club? We were understaffed and the staff we DID have was abused to no end. I couldn't be there every waking moment nor did I want to be. I had other things I wanted to do in SL.

Now I had my reasons for leaving my position and I'm not going to get into that here. The club just seemed to be going in a direction that I didn't want to go. It probably wasn't the best time for me to go. I should have been the friend and "team player" and stuck it out and worked to make it better. I just didn't see any way of fixing things.

Lastly, I just wanted to say that I'm sure everyone has their own personal reasons for not being to fond of Luca, Ayor, or even myself. As for me, even though I left club management, I don't hold any personal grudge against them. I mean DEVILinside was a HUGE undertaking. They had their own sim to pay tier for. The club was FREE to go to and they gave away money every Saturday to contest winners. Sploders were banned and even when we DID have them they were rarely used. They opened the mall in an effort to offset the cost, but that obviously was not enough. Plus, trying to get good honest staff and good DJs and having to PAY said DJs even when no one was coming to the club. These things all took their toll on management especially Ayor and Luca as the financiers of the whole operation.

Now I realize this is old news by now but I just wanted to get my say in on this. I don't know why everyone is being so hateful about DI closing. You all loved it at one time or another and like I said before, it got old and let's move on to the new club being offered. Oh and just for the record, I loved my time at DEVILinside and all of our patrons and staff. It's sad to see this all come to an end.

Anonymous said...

Jutty you have always been an extremely nice guy. But you know as well as everyone Luca is nothing but a backstabbing SOB that acts like he has a meth addiction. Maybe meth fried is brain and not a spider bite. God spider bite my ass...he's a junkie.

Jordyn Carnell said...

Haven't commented on this one before now.. frankly.. i kinda feared the kind of ppl that leave those kind of comments bout Kane and Syri here are the same brand of assholes that have gone after Ammon elsewhere.. and its only a matter of time when they will mess up things for me or someone else..

Rather than be anonymous (any more than I am anyway).. I'll just be me.. and say I'm disappointed that moderated comments haven't dealt with these clear violations of comment standards AT LEAST retroactively. It's my judgement that when you exercise any level of control over the comments.. YOU the publisher become the slanderer and can't hide behind the commenter..

So.. in my view.. either open comments up to the assholes.. or EXERCISE the judgement and good taste we (ok.. *I*) are expecting of you.. And clean up this mess.

Signed: Jordyn Carnell, "JC"

Ammon Pera said...

...the difference is though when it happens to me I laugh with you. I know me, I'm a confident gay male, and love the thought my haters spend time, lindens, thinking and taking the time to write anout me. I think anyone growing up gay you develop some thick skin early on to name calling. I am sure it applies to all people. If not you were sheltered and it's time you face real life.

I will say grow up Kane and get some friggen balls and stop acting so immature. This was so 3 weeks ago *snap* *snap* Next.

Jordyn Carnell said...

I think that's great you have that level of confidence Ammon, really. I wish people could never get under my skin. But they do from time to time.

Anyway.. my comment was directed at what you are allowing to be published in "your club" (such as your last line there.. which frankly, didn't seem necessary for you to make your point) and your own rules:

"All comments will be allowed unless they violate the following rules:

"3. Comments are excessively harassing."

(Please know, I mean this critique as a way to improve the blogs moral standing.. not as some kind of personal attack)

Jordyn Carnell, "JC"

Ammon Pera said...

...Deme I think we found our next post.


DeMerick Creeley said...

I think I agree with JC here because the fact that I've had to go back several blogs to find the comments that are coming up for moderation means people are clinging to this way too hard. It's over. The Daily moved on 23 posts ago. Frankly, who cares if someone is someone else's alt? It's not up to Kane to prove he isn't and I'm not going to try to prove he is.

If Kane wants to comment here, he's more than welcome, and that would've been a more mature approach than in-world harassment. However, we can find better things to discuss, like maybe something in the 23 posts after this. I can't believe I had to come clear back here to find out where all this was stemming from...Honestly, if you want a trash blog, you all know where to find it.

I've retracted my previous comment and am posting this based on some excessive harassment in world. It is time to move on. Once it's let go by the person who is keeping it going, I'm willing to bet the comments about it here will stop.

Ammon Pera said...

LOL I think this will never fade away. Kane has always tried to be someone but it never happened. Any bit of attention he gets he thrives on. Sorry to tell him this isn't FAME KANE. I could careless if your a woman or a man. No need to prove anything to me but I WILL NOT LIE AND SAY YOUR A MAN in the daily. I don't know. But thanks for all the free advertising you give to me and inV while you still are nothing more than a bar hopping slut and oh yes a Kult model that went out of business forever ago you still kling too in your profile.

Anonymous said...

Kane loves making a issue out of this because he thinks it brings attention to himself. We all just laugh at him. Well many gays are sick of him and his tricks. I have to agree it's great advertising for inV. Everytime I see the Ammon Who tag? reminds me to check the blog. Thanks Kane.
As many of talk we all think he is Paine.

Anonymous said...

Kaine is Paine. She killed herself as Syriana Paine and has to work in low class clubs and now is killing Kane as well. Ammon and Demerick I think you should write a article on this. I also agree he is great advertising for invogue. I think a more appropiate title is who is Kane? Syriana or Kane. Some people think they are being effective but self destructed themselves. Exactly what Candy Kane is doing.

Anonymous said...

People who take sl so seriously means they made this their rl. How sad you are Kane. We are all laughing at you.

Anonymous said...

I agree Kane is acting like a lady towards Ammon.Just goes to show you he is Syriana Paine. Everytime we see Kane we just want to leave. We all just wish he would take the hint and stay away.

Anonymous said...

Kane is INSANE. You got it right people are starting to question if he is a woman more than ever. His behavior shows to us he is hiding something.

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