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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Customer Satisfaction?

We all know that designers get busy with massive demands for their products, issues with SL glitches and the search for the newest trend. However, without the customer, the need for the creations would no longer exist. Some of the best in SL have fallen victim to the belief that focusing primarily on new must-haves will keep them going, forgetting that relationships with the public are necessary for business stability.

What happens, then, if a respected designer fills his or her profile with answers to questions that would be better answered with a polite IM? How much of an impact does it have on you as a consumer to read in the designer's profile such terse statements as "All sales are final no refund or exchange, we dont change permit for personal reasons under any circumstances","Not Interested in Renting Spaces," and "No Model Needed?" Does seeing such an approach to business leave you questioning the quality of customer service you'll receive from the designer?

Feel free to discuss in comments, but please do not use specific designer names or your moderated comment will not be published. All comments should remain civil.

rl is so last year

There was a time when we had to actually pull away from our Second Lives to take care of RL matters. A time when those firewalls at work kept some of us watching the clock or in off-world IMs trying to keep up. Guess those days are over. Now RL can be just a backdrop to our Second Lives as SL is perfectly portable. Now you actually can take your SL lover to a RL restaurant. I'd love to see the look on that waiter's face. I suppose that would certainly make taking someone out on an RL date alot cheaper. Go ahead an order the surf and turf, they'll be happy to eat prims. Of course, you won't be able to ask them to right click and pay when the bill comes.

Is our rl becoming extinct? Take a look at the video below.

Friday, August 1, 2008

We Can't Escape the "I" Word

Inflation isn't an issue that affects RL exclusively. We've seen increases in prices of goods in Second Life, expected tips to entertainment professionals and perhaps most notably increased tier rates. While we fight rising costs of gasoline, groceries and household goods, spending in Second Life is a dilemma we all face. Many are choosing to pass up premium accounts and owning land on private islands, or simply refraining from owning land at all.

Basic economics suggest that decreased demand will decrease tier rates. Are the Lindens likely to grasp this concept with current RL conditions, or will the rates remain static? This remains to be seen. Perhaps we'll see more land to buy and less land filled with reasons to have an SL.

If your looking for land it's a great time with great deals included.

we all have done it, don't lie!!!

We all know in sl there is a lot of back stabbing everyday. I think it out numbers rl by a lot. I guess because in sl there isn't much repercussions. But their are some sad individuals who like to provoke it even more and laugh about it. Like Rupaul says "Honey if you can't love yourself then how the hell you going to love anyone else". You know the best thing to do is ignore,mute and banned. Anyway as long as civilization exists it will continue to remain on some level for whatever reasons (primarily jealousy). In your opinion who backstabbs the deepest? SM straight men, GM gay men, SW straight women, LW lesbian women or do we all do it?

Look at the pic at the top. He or she missed one damn.
Congratulations to Canterbury Kappler for winning 5k.

Is there going to be another anti group evolving?

How many times have you heard this before? Are non Sl people becoming like non smokers? I sure hope not. Please comment.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lindens on ebay

I heard about this before so I went on ebay tonight and there it was. Lindens for auction. The thing that got me was 20,000L is going for 95 usd. Not much of a deal is it.

Second Life Lindens $20,000L Instant In World Delivery!
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This is a buy It now listing for $20,000 Linden, You must already have a Second Life account in order to receive your Linden. Linden will be paid to you In-World No Hassles, No Risk of Fraudulent Linden Dollars! Make sure to include your Second Life Name, we will not be able to give you your lindens until we have this information. Thank you.

No Payment Info On File

Why is our financial status made public in our profiles? Is it anyone's business? Residents without Payment Information are discriminated against: they cannot attend some clubs, join certain groups or social circles and the list goes on.What are your views on "No Payment Info" being shown in Resident Profiles?

Lost Dreams and Aspirations Guest Editorial: Jason...

Almost 2 years ago now since I joined Second Life, I met somebody who became a very good friend to me for the ensuing journey I spent here in Second Life. His name is Othon Weiland. We both talked about and discussed how much we loved the Spanish owned island of Gran Canaria, which is a small tropical island just off the northwest coast of Morocco which thousands of European gay tourists flock to each year in RL to visit a famous gay shopping mall and nightclub complex called Yumbo. Instantly, Othon and I hit it off and both shared how we both would love to see Yumbo come to life in Second Life.
So the small concept of re-enacting Yumbo in Second Life started off in a small way and progressively the ideas and reality of the concept grew bigger and expanded rapidly. From what started on a small corner of a sim, evolved nearly 2 years later to something spread across 10 sims. Yes our vision of Yumbo came alive from its infancy stages to something which we have today discovered, went beyond its boundaries. The old adage, don't run before you can walk served true today as many people who jumped on the Yumbo bandwagon soon learned today to the disappointment of many.
The journey of Yumbo coming to life started originally between a simple discussion between Othon and I. Then a newcomer called Temepete Bellman arrived on the scene and became a truly devoted friend to Othon. He joined the quest to bring Yumbo to life in Second Life. Then a fellow land barron/entrepreneur by the name of Freddy Pimpernell hooked up with the boys and learned of their vision of Yumbo. Freddy at that time owned various parcels and land in the gay quarters of Second Life at that time.
Eventually, the three, Freddy, Othon and Temp decided to buy a sim together and share the tier fees 3 ways. They entitled it the Yumbo Park Hotel sim. Together, the 3 agreed to bring the reality of the very popular Yumbo to life in Second Life. That journey had its ups and downs, but together, the 3 worked well with their own collective expertise and skills. However, last year, Freddy unveiled the acquisition of a new sim to the surprise of many before the first sim was even finished being built or even generating any revenue.
Over the next several months, Yumbo grew into an empire of multiplying sims. One sim was reserved for a 5 star luxury class hotel, another for land sales, rentals and eventually a shopping mall and nightclub complex. Yumbo was growing and many people in the gay community in Second Life soon begun to sit up and take notice. I was asked by the boys to help them setup regular parties at the Yumbo sims to attract new visitors and drive up new business for their intended shopping mall. They hired me as their head of Entertainments Manager at Yumbo. I spent the next 6 months building partnerships and attracting some of the very best DJ's in the business to help make Yumbo a "must" destination to visit in Second Life.
The parties were rocking, the top brands in Second Life setup shop at the mall and Yumbo was flourishing. inV magazine begun sponsoring regular events and Yumbo rapidly made its mark. Then before we knew it, there was a 6th sim, 7th, 8th, 9th and eventually a 10th sim. To outsiders, it would seem Yumbo was propsering very successfully. However, only 2 of the sims were managing to break even and there were several events, which called into question Freddy's state of mind.
I won't go into the specifics of those, but I recall at one point mentioned to Othon and Tempete as to whether Freddy could be in financial trouble at the end of last year. I was assured that was not the case and we moved forward and although there were always doubts at the back of my mind because of numerous things which happened behind the scenes, Freddy's extravagant spending and continuous acquisition of new sims convinced me, his partners and those who entrusted him with their own money by buying land from him that all was above board.
Today, we learned that was clearly not the case. For the past 10 days, Freddy Pimpernell had been absent from Second Life without any explanation and the failure to inform anybody as to why. This had actually occurred several times in the past, but Freddy would conjure up convincing excuses, which would assure us all was well. However, several hours after Othon and Temp had sent Freddy approximately 200 US dollars earlier today in order to cover their share of the tier fees, Freddy finally logged on and left the following message to the Yumbo group: "Second Life - Group notice: Pimpernel is BROKE: I'm so sorry to tell but of some persenal happenings in rl, loosing my job I'm not able to continue the sl sorry!
"Freddy hadn't bothered to inform his business partners, Othon & Temp privately and even failed to contact them directly. They are frantically attempting to contact Freddy now by telephone and email to try and salvage what they can and save as much financial loss to their land owners and renters as possible. They are depending on Freddy's co-operation and if he is reading this, then for the sake of everybody who placed their trust in him, Freddy do the right thing and help Othon and Temp salvage the situation as much as they possibly can. As it stands right now, the future of Yumbo is all up in the air.
It's a shame that such wasted dreams and aspirations are wasted like this. It serves as a lesson learned that if you are intending to buy a sim, it's always best to buy that sim on your own as difficulties arise when ownership for more than one person occurs as Linden Labs only recognize the one name that is listed as estate manager. Also, it's a lesson learned that continually buying sims for the sake of it and to float and gloat before being established and generating a profit has consequences on those that place their trust in you and invest their own hard earned cash in you.
Hopefully, Freddy will co-operate with Othon and Freddy and help them try and salvage as much of Yumbo as possible. If so, then Yumbo is without a doubt likely to diminish in the number of sims and perhaps also diminish in its reputation stakes it once carried. Without that co-operation, then Yumbo will fade into none-existence and many people who have invested in Yumbo will all lose out financially including the 2 remaining owners, Othon and Temp who also invested heavily and are left in the mire having to pickup the pieces and facing the flack in very difficult circumstances through no fault of their own.Yumbo can be salvaged and the damage limitation can be kept to an absolute minimum or it can die a slow and agonizing death that could potentially affect people's trust in future decisions when considering whether to invest in the Second Life community with us all. The fate that Yumbo will face depends on whether Freddy Pimpernell now does the right thing. I for one hope he does and I'm sure the rest of the inV Magazine community will join me in encouraging Freddy Pimpernell to do the right thing.
We at the daily & inV monthly wish them the best and the brightest futures.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Now On Sale!

The Deeb Home v1.0 is the result of a 2 month group project by "The Firm". This Company includes Luna Benevante of Avenue Four & Asri Falcone of Houses in a Hatbox. Geof Graves contributed a lot to the content.

The Deeb Home features spacious rooms with fully animated furniture (no poseballs) which can be rezzed at the click of a button. Each room has a color scheme, which you can choose to rezz or not. Other features include working recessed lighting throughout, running water, indoor and outdoor waterfalls, animated furniture, original artwork, working jacuzzi and much more...

From taking a relaxing shower, curling up by the fire or even reading the sports page on the throne, for the low price of 18,995L$ you will have everything you need to be the talk of the town. Contact Luna Benavente or Asri Falcone with any questions.

:) Enjoy! and Welcome Home!


I found this and thought it was really funny. The daily is meant to be casual and for everyone. If you want to write for us contact Demerick Creeley or Ammon Pera for info and salary. Everyone has an opinion and everyone should be heard. It may get heated at times but listen thats life. This blog will not contain fashion and is seperate from our monthly publishing of inV. Official sponsor of the daily is soon to be unveiled.


You may have heard of the SNAPPERS. I have known about them for a long time now and they are everywhere. They make it their job to prey after couples and the famous (if there is such a thing) in SL. These Snappers are commissoned by an individual but usually go solo and will use every creative way imaginable to try to seduce you. If you fall for this fake seduction and vicious trap your in for some hell. It takes about 5 secs for a SNAPPER to snap a pic of you both doing the naughty (and your name tag has to show) and then BOOM instant blackmail. They charge anywhere from 1k to 100k depending on your status and the damage it will cause. If you dont comply, your life has just became an instant nightmare and you're in for the biggest face slap you have ever experienced. Are people really this bored?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sex (and relationships) in a World where Gender can be Disguised.

Whether you are gay or straight, this is a question that faces all of us. When we consider SL partnerships, RL gender comes into play, regardless of any restriction to a SL love. So how do we know the person we are after is male or female? The answer seems to be in actions. Saying that a female is more commitment oriented is a fallacy, but there are ways to identify gender based on action. Private investigators know the signs. Unfortunately, the average SL citizen doesn't have access to the technology of a PI, but we can always trust our gut instinct and our belief in our partners. Second Life hides the veil of true identity unless trust exists fully between partners. Voice may not be reliable, but we know deep down if deception is there. Partners may question the validiity of their lover's voice and love. Knowing the differences in how men and women react to your IMs, the depth of lust versus love (common in SL) and the desire to get between your legs makes a difference in the determination. Yet tops may wonder if their bottom is female or male. Domme's may have the feeling that something isn't right with their male or female sub. PListen to that voice and value it. Especially when partnership is at stake. How do you know your lover is the gender you desire?

Prison Break

OK, so i travel the circles in sl and while traveling I overheard this one. I'm not sure if this is true but it does make you think about who is lurking behind the pretty avatar. Apparently state prisons are going to allow people with life sentences play SL. According to the chat in the room they will be getting 2 hrs of play time a day to interact with the outside world. Laughs. I thought, "You must be joking." Maybe soon the days of questioning gender are soon in the past and the new question to ask is, "Are you on death row?" Anyway its something that I have pondered for the past week and have come up with this conclusion: Protect your identity and have fun. I hear prison sex is really hot.

Living Light is moving locations

Living Light is moving to a new location The new store will be in the same SIM, the home of Animations Rising, but will be on the ground, in a building which is suited to Living Light and yet which was designed to blend into the rest of the SIM. The opening of the new store is scheduled for Wednesday 30 July, around 5PM SL time. There will be gifter placed near the main entrance; anyone passing near it will receive a free tank top or tee shirt. Also, we will have an orb placed somewhere inside, which will give out 4 Living Light gift vouchers at random intervals. If you're there, you might win a Living Light outfit! So, come check it out Wednesday evening! -- Island and Miro

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ghosts in Our Midst

Remember when logging in meant spending time in mother Ruth's shape? Those humiliating times are past. Linden Labs has changed the basic log-in form or rezzing form to a spectoral mist. You may have noticed it when TPing to new places or seeing a friend log in after a nasty crash. This change spares us the naked noob boobs on log-in (especially embarassing when you're a shirtless man arriving in a PG area). So, enjoy the fact that we now spend time as mist while our clothing rezzes, rather than as a boobie noob (not that boobs are all bad.....)

Exciting News!

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics
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inV Chief Photographer and owner of Faith Photography, Jade Collins, turns 1 today. If you happen to see him, make sure to wish him a happy rezzday. Congrats Jade and here's to more rezzdays to come!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What do you think?

What do you think about people in RL relationships having SL relationships? Feel free to discuss this issue in comments, but please keep the discussion civil.

How Much Do You Spend?

Spending in SL is easy. A myriad of shops are available with minimal travel time to each one, tipping a favorite DJ or dancer is a must and then we have the joy of renting space to put our purchases. The Linden Exchange provides the RL rates for in-world currency, and a glance at the following graphic can demonstrate just how much those purchases add up.
Conversions based on current rates. Please visit the Second Life website for up-to-date information.

inV 125K monthly contest

With 15 days remaining we decided to rez satellite boards anywhere you wish, for example your home or party. These next days will be intense and alot of fun. Who will be the next Centerfold and 125k richer? Who is the most competitive? IM Ammon Pera or Kledma Beattie for your own personal satellite board. All satellite boards will be picked up and votes added on AUGUST 9th to your main board in the inV contest room, the day before Kledma pushes the Big Red Button stopping all votes. A party is also being planned for the remaining 2 hours something much different than last months. There is still time for anyone to enter and it's any ones game. Good luck everyone. Pics below of July's Centerfold party.