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Saturday, February 21, 2009

NATALIE, calls Frolic Mills Fagg*t

Opps NATALIE in all caps. Maybe you didn't get the memo but faggot is an offensive and insulting word against gay men. Hopefully you'll learn to control those ignorant fingers because I have plenty more coming to your trailor park.

A conversation between NATALIE and her blog staff Connie

[6:35] Connie Arida: there is a thin line between love and hate
[6:36] NATALIE Ni: yes I totally agree
[6:36] Connie Arida: I hear Frolic has your pic plastered all over his bedroom RL
[6:36] NATALIE Ni: He's a faggot
[6:37] NATALIE Ni: I bet he does lol
[6:37] Connie Arida: and a bucket
[6:37] NATALIE Ni: till his mom made him take them down
[6:37] Connie Arida: lol
[6:37] NATALIE Ni: ''but moooommmmmmm''
[6:38] NATALIE Ni: '' I am playing sl mom''
[6:38] Connie Arida: Frolic...whats this "costa rica" on my paypal account?"
[6:40] NATALIE Ni: but mommmmm
[6:40] NATALIE Ni: ok thats not nice talking about him when hes not here to defend himself
[6:40] NATALIE Ni: someone get him lol
[6:41] Connie Arida: LOL

NATALIE in all caps we all spent a year watching your ignorance and the one thing different between you and everyone is everything. You can try to lie your way out of this but you know the truth. Be careful who your speaking too because I'm a very good friend to them also. GAME OVER for you NATALIE spelled in all caps. Go take a course in etiquette and socializing. I can just imagine what Frolic says about you (lol). Is this the manners the residents of Costa Rica have?

**inVd took away the vian from her disgusting last name.
**Costa Rica Sims owner

Friday, February 20, 2009

Keep the emails coming..

Thank you readers for all the IMs and emails showing your support. I will try to address every ones emails personally this weekend.

I will answer all the emails personally by the following weekend. We are being bombarded with emails & I want to enjoy my week-end with friends.


Costa Rica sims Exec. Rawly Rousselot: BUSTED BITCH

"COSTA RETARD EXECUTIVE" Rawly Rousselot back in the news and exposed as a liar according to his own profile. This is taken from the Costa Retards executive managers profile.

"I am * A L W A Y S * busy working on a construction project; be succinct with your inquiries. My time is limited and valuable; make the most of it while you have it."

I am a:

-Custom Builder: *NOT* interested in additional work at
this time, thank you.

-Costa Rica Sims Estate Manager & Builder"

While Mr. Rousselot likes to falsely portray himself as a professional he doesn't fool anyone. What next Mr. Rousselot will you fly to France and masturbate watching me through my windows? Your obsession is going to far and is quite creepy. This was sent to me on 2/7 from the Costa Retard executive.

[2009/02/07 15:46] Rawly Rousselot: hey gurl. natalie lives at rancho palmaire, in costa rica. "lier" is actually spelled "liar", with an "a". everyone knows that jade is rather obese in rl, he showed a few ppl his rl pics before you two got together. have a nice night :)

click the picture to verify.

Maybe Mr. Rousselot should rephrase his profile to also say he is busy searching for rl information and a professional liar in his spare time. It sure doesn't look like a very good day for you, does it?.

I'll make sure to send you a headshot so you can have the best night of your life.



Ty again to the Vip for the Parody logo. It's going to come in very useful.
**Costa Rica sims manager

LUCA MIELZINAR, forever labeled wedding crasher

LUCA MIELZINAR has faced aggressive questioning about his failed attempt at crashing VirtualReality Oh (bride) & Deston Dreadlow ( groom) at their beautiful wedding that took place on Feb 14th. inVd has the exclusive chats.

A few of the comments made by Mr. Mielzinar in open chat during the ceremony using the Ammon Pera name

[15:49] Ammon Pera burps

[15:49] Ammon Pera: i lost my lip gloss :(

[15:50] Ammon Pera: i wore a dress like that when i got married as ida and annie and shania

[15:53] Ammon Pera goes through the grooms pockets

and the comments kept coming..........

inVd reports wedding guests were outraged of his juvenile behavior. When Mr. Mielzinar was approached by the wedding cordinators and security this was his exclusive IM ( pay close attention to the name he mentions).

[2009/02/14 16:44] priest: [2009/02/14 16:31] Luca Mielzinar: i was in pvte chat with rawly, nat, rocco, rob1977 and willy at the time [2009/02/14 16:31] Luca Mielzinar: rawly is the brides best friend [2009/02/14 16:31] Luca Mielzinar: take it up with them [2009/02/14 16:32] Luca Mielzinar: i was dragged there by rawly and nat [2009/02/14 16:32] Luca Mielzinar: and sat silently... because i don't know them [2009/02/14 16:32] Luca Mielzinar: so, next time u accuse people blatantly make sure u know what your oin about -- Instant message logging enabled -- [16:36] Luca Mielzinar: and no apology? [16:43] priest: youre telling me you knew who was doing it and didnt let us know so it could be stopped... no apology, you should apologize to the couple for letting it continue knowing you couldve stopped it[2009/02/14 16:44] priest: he's wrong either way lol

inVd asked Ammon Pera his own personal opinions.

[21:13] Ammon Pera: Firstly to crash any ones wedding is unfortunate. A lot of time, money and energy goes into planning a wedding by many people for their special day. As this doesn't surprise me the names who Luca mentioned were also involved, this does speaks volumes of Luca's and people he mentions. The immaturity and lack of respect to the bride and groom. My grandfather raised me with respect and values. Unfortunately he wasn't so fortunate. It's amazing how he obsesses about me (giggles). With anything in sl, I just laugh. I have a rl and sl is my fun. I don't have times for immature games and am I much to busy. I also would like to wish congratulate the bride and groom and wish them both happiness.

inVd has also learned he has been banned from the two regions and he is not welcome back. LUCA MIELZINAR, is offically named the wedding crasher.

inVd also highly recommends Rick Wake & his beautiful partner Lori Nicholas for your all your wedding arrangements. IM them in world for information & pricing.

**Please Note inVd mispelled his last name on purpose
**All the names above Costa Rica Sims managers and home owners

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grampian Falls to the Ground

inVd continues to be at the forefront of breaking news with the revelation that the once popular Grampian gay resort is now resigned to the annuls of history. The problems at Grampian first started last month when the owner of its sims, Ian Bartfeld suddenly and abruptly fired all of his key staff. This led to outrage among many residents who decided to leave Grampian as a result of the abrupt dismissal of his dedicated staff.
The Grampian sims as they currently stand: Desolate and Empty

However, a few residents remained and continued to pay their rent to the Grampian owner recently only to discover that no access was available to their homes. inVd has learned from inside sources that a request to close the Grampian sims was made this week, but a request to reopen them for 24 hours so that the residents were able to collect their objects and belongings was granted by Linden Labs to an anonymous individual who we will not be naming.

The Grampian blog has now been taken down and the sims stand empty as shown in the above picture. inVd is also privy to the fact that many Grampian residents were left distressed and in tears at the way Grampian had been abruptly closed in the manner that it was with no notice or explanation. Comments are closed for this article and we are currently talking to ex Grampian residents at this time.

More news and further details on this breaking story are coming soon. If you have been affected by the closure of Grampian and would like to tell your side of the story, then of course if you have not done so already, you can contact me (Jason Feingold) in world.

This is inVd, the leader in breaking news. We lead, while others follow.

I'd like to add to this post of Jason's. I really like Ian and am very sorry for his loss. Things happen and to me he has always been nothing but kind and I'll miss him. I hope he decides to come back without the stress and just enjoy himself. Ammon Pera

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

inVd's top store pick this week

Raffaello Robbiani, said to be the most eligible bachelor for ladies, is now equally desired by men. For the slebrity craving culture and fashion, the.Qube and gallery located at World of Beauty in Second Life is all the rage, insiders say. Raffaello's ultra posh gallery is also home to his new trendy mens store where according to store reps, SLebrities Romeo Reardon, Naro Nagy and the inVd staff have been seen shopping.


HOLY NO HIT-ONS! Let us now pray. I think it may because you are dressing according to the Muism store pictures. "This new Muism Bomber jacket is bombing in sales, and I'm very worried for the future of Muism!" a Muism rep told inVd this morning.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is more a million.

Sarco Sound Folds

Many of you will have heard and seen DJ’s from the popular Sarco Sound group. It was a group originally setup by Sarcophilus Halderman a couple of years back to include a roster of international DJ’s that would perform under the “Sarco Sound” banner. Sarco himself was the head DJ and his group spawned out many other popular DJs including Andrey Messmer, HarleyMC Homewood and Anjey Amat to name just a few. Earlier this morning, Sarco announced that he was closing his group and taking time away from SL citing RL personal issues. Sarco has subsequently deleted everybody from his group and Sarco Sound is now effectively defunct. Here is a copy of his press release that he issued this morning:

“Due to a number of reasons, I will be away from SL for an extended period of time,

Consequently,I have also taken the decision to wind-up sarco sound and friends of sarco sound

It was a bold experiment and I'm very proud of all we have achieved in the last 2 years

Unfortunately, I find it increasingly difficult to sustain things from financial, emotional and energy points of view.

If you wish to continue receiving notices for your favourite DJs I recommend you join their groups.”

What are your thoughts on the closure of Sarco Sound? Will you miss Sarco’s DJ sets? Share your thoughts and memories of Sarco Sound in the comments section and try to keep them nice!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

an apology to DJfastforward Richez

inVd would like to issue an apology to DJfastforward Richez. Today it was brought to my attention the commenter spelled his name incorrectly and I couldn't find him in search. Thank you to the VIP that brought this to my attention and DJfastforward Richez has been added to the inVd ULTIMATE DJ LIST.

DONT READ THIS if you want to know

HOLY MOLY! FAUXY SHEPHERD owner of Hot 'n HUNG and ISLAND PROJECTS/owner of Animation Rising were smiling like two 2Xtreme crocodiles this evening beacuse they have something up their prim sleeves. inVd is currently working on the ultra-exclusive interview to this big SECRET and you'll be the first to read about it right here.

[2009/02/16 17:31] Ammon Pera: OMG, this is AMAZING
[2009/02/16 17:31] Fauxy Shepherd: Smiles
[2009/02/16 17:31] Island Projects: Don't tell anyone it's a secret.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Out & About in SL, with me

ARS NORTHMEAD was spotted at Redgrave early this morning. The store was packed with fans screaming "We love you Ars!" Make no mistake about-Dj Ars he can"dress up" in a heartbeat if he has too! He was in dark sunglasses and hair slicked back as he smiled and waved to adoring fans. Of course, we love it when he dresses down too. This hunk would look good in a garbage bag. Of course his fans think he would look better in nothing. We are all hoping to see that sometime.

KIKI DEVINNA was spotted using the back door of Tres Jolie some say for the fitting for her reportedly 1 Million L wedding dress. The soon to be bride was also seen cursing out loud in her black Porsche on Feb 12th. The "Fuze fm" owner was freaking out she broke her nail. The valet found it in his mouth after telling her he scratched it while parking it. Luckily for the valet it wasn't her Stiletto Moody's in his mouth, that would have hurt.

WOLF HOFFNUNG was seen at Bubbly on Feb 16th with his new bride Tonya Petrov after a gorgeous Japanese-inspired wedding. He didn't miss a beat when a couple of RP cops busted the joint. Wolf jumped right into the RP and offered to assist in the interrogation. His brother, Cole Sirnah, broke out a hammer and wire cutters to join in the fun. No fingers were injured....that we know of.

SWAFFETTE FIREFLY was among the featured designers at a fantastic Wedding Fashions Show for Best of SL on Feb 16th. Her amazing designs received rowdy applause and this fashionista and perfectionist was allegedly so distraught over a crooked bow tie that she knocked another patron off her chair trying to reach for her diamond-studded hip flask. The patron is fine and told us in confidence that a black-eye from such a diva is quite an honor.

Tainted Boys/new weekly contest

Do you like contests? Well, then Tainted Boys has something new for you. Each week you can win up to 1.000 L$ with just a simple click! That's all you need to do.

Go to „Tainted Boys“ and look around at their new contest system. Click the board and that's it. Pretty easy right? The contest will go for one week and the winner will be a randomly chosen person.

Good luck everyone and hope to see you here.