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Friday, February 6, 2009

Animations Rising - Happy Anniversary

Celebrations start midnight SL 7th-8th

On February 8, Animations Rising officially becomes one year old! And wow, what a year it has been!

Two men got together and turned a small art gallery, "The Penguin Bar", into a small store called "The Penguin Bar Animations". That store sold animations, of course, and little else. The two men were Island Projects and Miro Collas.

As name of the store began to spread, more products were added and the store grew. Fast. It outgrew the initial plot, and subsequent parcels which we acquired to get more room, till finally, the big step was taken: a whole SIM, Phoenix Rising. ( Orginal Name of Sim)

Now known as Animations Rising, both the business and the SIM, we continued to expand, adding now new product lines to our offering: Living Light, then silks, and piercings - and throughout, constantly renovating improving, growing.

So this year, on February 7 and 8, we want to celebrate, and we would like to say thank you to those who have been our customers all this time. Our group has just surpassed 900 members, which we feel is pretty amazing!

So, at midnight on February 7, all Rising Silks will go on sale, at 30% off! And during the day of February 8, we will be giving out gift cards at random! As well stop in and get your "VALENTINES SILK" FREE to GROUP MEMBERS!

Also, we will be launching a new product line at this time: "Rising Silks - Tribal Series". As the name suggests, these outfits are designed with a distinctly tribal feel to them. They will be on sale in a newly designed area to one end of the main store. (Island really outdid himself in creating this area!)

So, join us please, February 7 to 8, help us celebrate one year of Animations Rising!

With thanks,
-- Island and Miro

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Animations Rising (92, 91, 23)


Island Projects said...

Thanks guyS! :) Just a update and totally my fault... the ExoArmor is listed on the pic with wrong price :) It's 1800L, yes sounds alot but remember its 19 pieces and fully hud control!
And buy this weekend and its 30% OFF!!

Events starting today around 11am SL! MANY RANDOM GIFTS!

Ammon Pera said...

The place was packed all day and was an amazing party. Thanks Island and Miro & congrats on ARs 1year. My how time goes quick. Also thank you Fauxy you did an outstanding job Djing. I ended up staying 3 or 4 hrs. It was really nice seeing everyone and having a blast.

Heheh I can say officially I am addicted to the tribal silks. Amazing and revealing :)-. If you don't have one you should.

Cole Sirnah said...

Island and Miro never cease to amaze me. Once again they have created something else to make SL more fun and sexier for us all. Thanks guys.