With 15 days remaining we decided to
rez satellite boards anywhere you wish, for example your home or party. These next days will be intense and
alot of fun. Who will be the next Centerfold and 125k richer? Who is the most
IM Ammon Pera or
Kledma Beattie for your own personal
satellite board. All satellite boards will be picked up and votes added on AUGUST 9
th to your main board in the inV contest room, the day before
Kledma pushes the Big Red Button stopping all votes. A party is also being planned for the remaining 2 hours something much different than last months. There is still time for anyone to enter and it's
any ones game. Good luck everyone. Pics below of July's Centerfold party.
This party rocked.
Was a BLAST!
(i'm guessing this is probably not the place to lobby for votes.. hehe)
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