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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sleep Well

So, let's set the scene. You're getitng more and more involved with this new man or woman you've been dating. You wonder what the future might hold for the two of you. How can you determine if this is the one? Hw will things fair in the long run? Well, you can learn things about your mate - Like how good a boyfriend/girlfriend and lover they might be by simply watching the way that they sleep. This, according to Alex Lukeman, PhD and author of 'Sleep Well, Sleep Deep' and Michael Breus, PhD and author of 'Beauty Sleep'. According to these experts, here is how it breaks down. Find the category of sleeper that best describes your mate, and see how they rank in and out of bed.

The light sleeper: Those who are hyper-sensitive to noise and movement in the room while they sleep are likely to also be just as sensitive to your feelings. If you're a guy or girl who cries durring mushy movies or gets upset easily, they will be supportive and understanding by nature. But in bed, they may be tentative and less experimental, so you may need to take the reins and tell him/her what to do and how to do it to please your specific needs.

The sound sleeper: A mate who has no trouble getting a great night's sleep is usually mellow and handles stress very well - they will also be likely to have healthy physical and emotional relationships. According to these experts, they won't freak out when you drop the "L" word or when you have the "where is this all going" talk. In bed, he/she will be raring to go and will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to make sure you have a mind-bending time - everytime.

They toss and turn: If your mate wakes up in a tangled mess of sheets, he/she can be just as unsettled while awake. Being with them for the long haul will take lots of patience on your part. Accordgin to these experts, they may go on and on about their day and completely forget to ask about yours, possibly being too self-centered for their own good. And, according to Lukeman, this goes double for bedroom behavior.

The insomniac: Having trouble falling, or staying asleep usually is a sign that your mate has a million things on their mind. Chances are you've fallen for an A-type who pushes themselves to the limit in all areas of life - including relationships. Since he/she is a perfectionist by nature, they will be punctual, pick the best places to wine and dine you, but because they're running on fumes, they may not have much left for the end of the night. However, according to these experts, when he/she does have the energy, the bedroom skills will definitely impress you.

Submit your ideas for future articles to Larz Beresford in world via notecard.

Article by Larz Beresford


Ammon Pera said...

...I heard if you dream of your own death and you don't wake up before the actual dream death your rl life is coming to an end. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

I heard that too Ammon, there was a story floating around our school playground that it had happened to one of our classmates.

I have had dreams where I almost died, usually falling or about to be struck by something, but woke up at the precise moment of impact.

Hmmm, from Larz's list, I am picking insomniac. I also think these make the best SL players. :P