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Friday, January 16, 2009

Juicy ~by Cienega Soon @ Misali
The complete

Sometimes all the plans you make, make a turn in a direction you weren't expecting, hoping for ... but not expecting.

Juicy is two galleries, the guest artist exhibit gallery, Juicy, and the main Castle Gallery, both now on the sim Misali. What a beautiful place.

Poison water, dark skys and my own home made castle.

A breath of fresh air. No clothing signs in the sky and no slingo shouts flooding the local chat.

Come see the grounds enjoy the mood of juicy. It may storm now and then as rain is always in my forcast. But be forwarned ... dont drink the water no matter how juicy you think it is ... its Poison, yumm my kind of poison. along with the mood music come chill.

You will find teleports throught the grounds to get around. They are somewhat hidden with a fern or two as to not spoil photos should you choose to shoot.

The Castle main Gallery has two floors. The main gallery will feature my newest works and the second floor matains the popular pieces that still please visiting collectors.

At the moment my Juicy Gallery is located on the sim but up at 500m. I am building its new location at ground level this week. Juicy Gallery is now exhibiting sabra Hemingways new works. She will be leaving at the end of the month. I look forward to seeing her work showing up in many galleries and in private collections across the grid.

Juicy Gallery will continue to be a place for New SL Artists to showcase their talents. I will be watching for exciting and intriguing new artists to invite to Juicy each month.

Thank you to all that visited my Castle Valeriya Artist Gallery over the last two years. I promise Juicy will be a place for visits and photos in a dark sort of friendly mood.(still a bit under construction, but open)

Come see... but dont dirnk the pretty water *evil grin*
<strong>Juicy ~by Cienega Soon @ Misali
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