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Monday, January 26, 2009

Dum, Dum, Dee, Dum

This post has a meaningless title, like the sturm und drang of the still-clanging bells of blog vs. blog and personality vs. personality "journalism" that's almost become a plague to some of us.

Personal attacks on blog-sites, critical of my wardrobe, my choice of shoes, my association with InVogue, all of which are part of an online "game" that I play, called "Second Life". Well, whoop-de-fookin'-doo! Some folks have waaaaay too much time on their hands, methinks.

What fascinates me is the marginal literacy of the participants in all this garbage, and its scant resemblance to anything remotely identifiable as "journalism", which is the only reason I ever penned a comment or blog post for InVogue. A genuine interest in writing, a joy in participating in the SL gay community, some blatant self-interest in promoting my efforts as a dancer/host/entertainer in the club scene, and yes, my own admitted human weakness as an indefatigable "attention whore" made me reach out a bit, take a risk, and write upon these pages, in the hopes someone, somewhere, would find my meanderings amusing, at least, and thought-provoking, at best.

I have consciously and determinedly refrained from responding to any of the ongoing "wars" between certain blogsters and factions who seem to have some sort of sick, childish agenda and incredibly overinflated self-images which drive them to initiate social warfare rather than social interchange, in these venues.

Here's a little bit of Second Life lore, for ya. Anyone ever visit "Waterside", and listen to the open voice chat there? Youngsters, mostly, incredibly impressed with themselves, unabashedly critical of everyone and everything around them, their speech and mannerisms thoroughly suffused with vapid criticism, cynicism, scorn, hatred, disrespect, foul language, repeated use of the words "nigger" and "fag" as offhand adjectives to describe even their friends and, presumably, "peers".

It's a sure-fire way to bring on a bout of depression, just listening to these complete wastes of good air, maundering away about how cool they are and how useless/ugly/stupid/nigger/fag/dipshit/bonehead/gay everyone around them is. One wonders why they go on breathing? Suicide would seem a much more intelligent act, given their purported view of the world, but for one thing; they're young, dumb, have never experienced hardship, have never fought beside a dear friend and watched him die, have never worked hard for anything in their privileged and "entitled" existence, have never invested one iota of themselves in the interest of another human being, much less sacrificed anything for the welfare of another. And so, they must be forgiven, for allowing their inexperience and complete lack of substance to escape their filthy little mouths, so easily.

I claim no special gift of 'wisdom' nor superiority of intellect, here; but I've lived a long time upon this earth, comparatively, and seen some pretty incredible bits of history go down, right before my eyes, some of which I found myself smack dab in the middle of, much to my dismay, or my joy, or my deep, deep sadness.

So you see, it's easy for me to sit back and smile and nod, when the proverbial excrement hits the oscillator, and "who flung poo" becomes more important than who created beauty, or did a kindness to another, or expended great effort to reach a goal, or even just emulated a shoe design in digital form, presenting a target for a jealous or petty or inferiority-plagued "competitor's" crosshairs.

My beautiful fellow Second Life residents, your avatars are just pixel-dolls, and real life is much, much more important than anything that happens there, but still the attitudes and mannerisms that permeate your Second-Life persona are, in some ways, reflections of what's inside the human being at the keyboard. Think a bit, choose to portray what's of value to you, (if anything), and if acrimony, hate, exploitation, and greed are your pastimes, then by all means, bring them along with you, to render our Second Life experience more "real", for these are parts of any world in which human beings walk.

Some will choose to aspire to better things, and there will be places, activities, and beauty left by their minds and hands, here in Second Life, for us all to enjoy. I swing my cam toward the beauty, kill my sound and shut my eyes to the ugliness and fear and immaturity, and enjoy every spare moment I can be "in-world". Don't you?


Ammon Pera said...

...mtd your a great guy. These people have way to much time on there hands. The people who point the finger are usually the fucked up people but inVd laughs at them. They can keep spending their energy because we aren't going anywhere while we have a great sl. me laughs.

Anonymous said...

Great post MTD. There will always be those on the outside wishing they have what others have. Even just a small part of it. We all feel a bit like that when we see how well others have done, but it doesn't come free, it comes with hard work and few shortcuts.

I just shake my head at the sacrifice of hours, days, weeks and months wasted in pointless wishing and wanting and jealousy in a computer game. The wasted time isn't refunded when SL switches off. It's gone.

Anonymous said...

The gay community knows mtd who is behind the attacks. Whats sad is they use other people's business to attack at and it causes alot of tention in the room.

Anonymous said...

Take your shit Eddi Haskell to the ring and quit jeapordizing others businesses.

Jordyn Carnell said...

MTD.. I have never heard anything but insight and beauty pass from your keyboard.. An openness to exploring yourself and learning.. A respect for others.. I have nothing but respect for you and appreciate this post and all the others you have written. If all bloggers could bring as much of themselves into their posts they would be much more a joy to read. I am a fan of the man.


Anonymous said...

Okay, JC, you get the blow job, allright?

You're embarrassing me, you must stop!

(Like, never, hee hee!)

But seriously folks, it is a big salad in Second Life, and none of us minds a bug or two in our salad, do we?

But when we fling poo, guess what? There is back-splash. Especially when we stupidly fling it upwind!

Not a mutual admiration ploy here, but a plea for all of us to focus on what's to admire, instead of what's to criticize or resent; the energy used is less, and the energy that comes back, like JC's comment here, is like warm sunshine on your face.

(hippie-dippie mode off)


Anonymous said...

Eddi lost all reality. We all think he is a nut ball. I think a 3rd life is in order for you. Your worse than Wacko Jacko.

Anonymous said...

The old man behind that avie has no rl life mtdTimeless. Everyone notices it. People are so sick of Eddi that we are all considering options now.

Leigh Eel said...

Nicely put.

Jordyn Carnell said...

Well MTD.. I guess "Anonymous" (and whoever allowed Anonymous' comments to post) didn't hear what you or I have said here and other places.. one simple message: "Grow up"

If you don't take responsibility for your editorial product (including what you allow in your comments) you are by definition irresponsible.

BTW, I'd let you write for my blog anytime (Not a "fashion blog" so feel free to wear what you want.)


Anonymous said...

Its bad that someone who gave to others, and had the respect of others, has now fallen so far from the tree.

It's a sad end, with embarassing and frankly repugnant behavior from him.

I have lived a bit and travelled the world, seen real people struggle and laugh at all life throws. While others stare at screens and make-believe their own confused realities... and even screw that up.

Anonymous said...

how do you feel about your friend eddi taking responsibility for his editorial product JC? Like what he wrote?

Eddi Haskell said...

MTD1952 Timeless. I am very dissapointed with you. You crash my Christmas party, then you tell the world that although I have done nothing to you, but my bed stinks, and I need to lie in it since I earned all the InV attack in writings? If you work for InV, you yourself need to know what it feels like to be criticized in print. And beleive me, my writing is mild compared to what you said about me. Not a nice feeling is it?
and one more thing. Thank you Fuzzy the suicide bomber Kitty's daddy! He was playing along with the comment! Hes really cool!

Jordyn Carnell said...

Well.. um.. "Anonymous" I guess you could say by taking responsibility for his product he is by definition taking responsibility. (BTW am I talking to just one "Anonymous" or are you twins? Twins are soo hot.)

So, can't fault him for that. I wouldn't attempt irony or parody myself. (I'm not any good at it.. and it easily can be seen or felt as a personal attack.) And I certainly don't agree with everything Eddi, or MTD, or frankly anyone writes. But I do appreciate it when people put their own name to their statements. I hope that answers your question "Anonymous"

As always, signed:

Ammon Pera said...

...Well parody I love. But when you become obsessed on just parody about 3 people you do have a problem. I can also distinguish sl from rl. Now it gets tricky when you flip them and your sl becomes your rl. The game is fun if you allow it to be fun. We bring you a variety of posts and move right along. Thats my style. I don't obsess and I don't want rl info of anyone. If rl info comes into this blog you IM me anytime and it'll be removed A.S.A.P. The people that go after rl info of others I stay away from (thts why I left DI). They obtained Coles rl and as you recently saw he used it aginst him. Why? Because this 19 year old is mentally ill. I also know Eddi you believed in him that Cole's rl was mine so you both thought it's a great way at me. Well your plan did not work. Cole doesnt care so you lost. I do care and will never forgive you for invading my friends rl the way you did. That to me showed a certain blog owner, ex di owner, and you Eddi are heartless.

Jason Feingold said...

I couldn't agree more Ammon. The way those ass clowns attempt to seek people's RL details and use it against them is really quite disgusting. As for Eddi, you only have to read his mad ramblings on the blog he's now come out of the closet to see he's well and truly lost the plot. It's quite sad to see what he's become actually. Hey JC, good to see you on here buddy.

Anonymous said...

Nice post Mtd. I'm not on anyone's side because I dont know anyone here on a personal level. However I do think that Life is too short to spend it on analizing each and every person in SL/RL. The world is full of people like that and in SL is no different. Sometimes its not about the actions that take place in SL, or how "serious" you take life in SL..I think its about what makes you happy. I do appreciate your words of wisdom and for spreading positive energy through this article. Thanks

Anonymous said...

MTD! As always beautifully written. It's quality people like you that SL and our gay community needs more of.

Anonymous said...

REAL LIFE <<<<<<<<< STOP >>>>>>>>> SECOND LIFE

RL flung around like monkey poo with pics of knives and blood and your name at the top of it...

...Eddi you foolish looney.

Good work MTD! Love InVd! More Please!

Anonymous said...

Well Eddi shows up after being caught. His actions over the past month shows is instability in is life. Stay away from me.

Anonymous said...

Eddi loser. You deserve everything you get. I kept to date in the daily what you did to ex's, club now businesses. Your not a man your a pathetic human being.

Great job inV for exposing this trash.

Eddi Haskell said...

I was a good friend of Javier Waydelich before he left sl. Javier told me how eddi called him at his work and threatened his life after they both split. I also heard Eddi went psycho on Jake after they split last year. I feel sorry for Jago. He will be next.

Eddis blog on ammon shows that he has lying perpetrator syndrome.

Mistic Miles said...

Shut up about Javier and Jake! I love jago and he has nothing to do with this. I want to marry him. I hate all you people at InV - I have had four months of misery!!!!! I have done nothing wrong - you people are the monsters and you wont let me have my say! I am a saint compared to you people. Yes I did that blog and to show you that writing hurtful things isnt nice. Now have you learned your lesson? Do you under stand me now!

Anonymous said...

Keep going Eddi and continue showing the world how insane you truly are. Honestly, you're acting like a spoiled two year old who isn't getting his way. You are old enough to know better, based on any of the ages you've given as your rl age. Try getting over it and if you can't, get therapy.

Anonymous said...

He does have issues coping and blurs fact with fiction in a way that swallows him and the result we saw with the fake blog and other things. I dont blame him as he doesnt know how else to dig himself out of holes.

This is killing me because I want back the old Eddi. He should take a vacation then come back fresh and his old self then come dancing with the boys. :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Jago getting involved in this pervert/old man with a passion of crime against inV. You both should get lives.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I miss Eddi, too... and harbor absolutely no personal ill will toward him. We have commonalities in our youth and background that tend to make me just like him for who (I thought) he is... only wish I could now believe that's the guy I instinctively liked. A mensch, a humorous and pleasant conversationalist, and a source of much laughter and enjoyment, when I worked with him at High Energy.

I also miss DJ Shep, who seems to associate my "work" at InVogue with some sort of personal agenda, which I just don't have, in any of this nonsense.

My motto: Omnia Vincit Amor... love conquers all.

My favorite truth: a little forgiveness on both sides of any issue creates friendships, understanding, and communication, which is so, so sorely lacking in the real world these days.

Sorry I am for any thing I've said that was taken personally, which was never my intent. I am but an observer, and I document my feelings and opinions without fear or reservation, and take my lumps afterwards, such as those on Eddi's blog.

I'm not "hurt", or diminished, one bit, by someone else's perceptions of me or my mode of dress... I'm quite sure I look just as comical in SL, sometimes, as my old frame looks in real life.

But guess what... I love and accept "Mike"... that's me. Start there, and the rest of the chips fall right where they need to be.

Keep on keepin' on... we've all only got "right now", the only bit of time and space we really can occupy, after all.


Anonymous said...

Eddi is an man tring to get attention anyway he can. As many of us see it. It's neagative attention he is seeking going after partners, clubs, friends, bussines and blogs. What next many of us are asking. Could it be guns, knives, blowing up a city. He isn't well and a few months with him you'll get the drift. Caution with this man.

Anonymous said...

3 years and $300,000 he'd better be careful his website is cached and is certainly worse than yours and more bullying than yours ever was to him not to mention the fact that he bullied in second life grab screen shots of everything and go after him

Anonymous said...

...mhm Eddi and Cramicheal have made site to harm 3 people. It clearly shows there intentions and emotions. As what someone said we all know what they are doing. Its a very small group with issues.

Ammon Pera said...

...We know ano & thanks for the info. We also did grab screen shots of everything.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if inVd took the "high road" and stopped mentioning Eddi in every other post, he would get the hint and stop his blogging/trash talking.

Posting about him all the time under the guise of professionalism does not make you guys look good.

Anonymous said...

lets see. inv posts one post about eddi's harassment of three people and awell written post by mtd about why his hatret is stupid and theyre posting about him all the time? I think Resident needs to get his eyes checked. I see 3 posts on blu, 2xtreme, zooby, a good post on the teen/mature grid merge, stiletto moody, premier evolution, hair sale, grampian, minbari, twisted and spoiled, lusch moters, give me space, juicy, homelife, bf/muism photosourcing, dj wesley, top 11 fashion stores for women, top 10 fashion stores for men, avmatch, fashion makover, le look, another lusch moters, dj wesley...eddi's mentioned in the actual article 2 times out of how many and I didn't go all the way down. Hardly looks like he's being mentioned in every other post now does it? Eddi go crawl back under your rock where you belong.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading eddie haskels blog and he says he has involved police after receiving death threats. I doubt he has but he is one huge attention seeker and sees SL as his first life. he needs to get a grip

Anonymous said...

Eddi haskell is a disappointment in sl. Designs a blog to attack the same three people and crys to police. As I am in law enforcemnt as well and with rl infomartion all over the internet as easy as a click of the mouse. It is not a crime it is public information. Any police depatment would laugh in your face. Now inV has every option to go after Eddi Haskell for making threats and attacks. I hope they do. This man is malice.

Jason Feingold said...

Yes anonymous, I also read Eddi Haskell's blog also tonight after somebody directed some of the content to my attention.

On the blog, he makes continuous accusations about me and others and claims to be involving the Police, etc.

Frankly, I think most of what Eddi accuses people of is in his head. He claims to be receiving death threats, yet goes around SL causing mass harassment and grief.

This includes publishing photos of men with knives, dripping with blood and then associating them with mine and other inVd members of staff.

If that isn't harassment, intimidation and suggested threats against myself and other members of inVd staff, which he clearly has an obsession with from his admission on his blog that he was the man behind the sustained campaign of vile harassment, then Im not quite sure what is.

He reminds me of a bank robber being caught with the bag of cash and weapon in each hand only to claim when caught red handed "that's not me, I'm innocent, it's them!" LOL

Eddi I said it in the article and will reiterate it here, you need professional medical help and I really do wish somebody would urge him to get it. His wild obsessions and paranoia are extremely alarming and his actions to others are grossly offensive.

Anonymous said...

Haskell your a joke. You do need your head examined and get a job. It's clear to eveyone you hit pavement and have no where else to turn but keep lying to people and yourself. Tell your mother she raised a loser.

Anonymous said...

I agree eddi needs help. I thought that the day I saw his name appaer on his pink blog. I was stunned to see it was him. I knew he was different but didnt know he was demented like this

Anonymous said...

I am completely amazed at how much Eddi Haskell takes Second Life so seriously! This is a game Eddi. The demons are not out to get you. There is no bogeyman in your bedroom closet.

First you stalk Javier, then Jake. If I was Jago, run now while you can before you becoem his next victim!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think it's odd that Eddi's partners all have names that start with J?

Anyway I just wanted to inform DeMerick that all he needs to get Eddi for the copyright infringement is available on Eddi's blog. The link to the cyber crime website specifically includes copyright violations. And that was copyrighted intellectual property according to copyright laws. Regardless of anything else that has happened, the reprinting of copyrighted work without the express written consent of the owner is illegal. DeMerick should go for it.

So, Eddi's facing $450,000 in fines and possibly three years in prison due to an obsession over video games? I could see this coming from a child, but not from a grown man.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jago knows that he's trapped. If he runs he becomes the next victim.

Anonymous said...

What did I misspell, and why does that matter on an internet message board?

I am not Eddi, by the way. I am a SL resident that at least several of you know. My comment was simply an observation on this situation. Look back through these blog archives and you'll see PLENTY of posts and "comments" that sound just as vindictive and silly as the things Eddi is saying. I am by no means his advocate, as what he is doing is just as petty and childish as what I see here. Get over the gay drama that you so enjoy, and move on. Your bizarre preoccupation with Eddi is only drawing more attention to him and his blogs.

Anonymous said...

Resident, you're missing the point and your thoughts are getting lost in your idiocy. inVd posts a variety of posts of great interest and as Resident who can't spell but can read (I'm assuming this was a slam against against his or her own spelling skills since he or she had major spelling and grammar issues and your lack of ability to see that most posts on here have nothing to do with Eddi) stated, this blog has covered everything from content theft to kitty cats (of the Neko and tabby variety). You are fostering Eddi's victim mentality despite his repeated attacks on individuals, using RL information and homophobic comments, over something that happened months ago.

Does inVd have a right to draw attention to the harassment they've been enduring for months because of a one-line post that didn't show any bias either way? Of course they do. Trace and Adonis and Jason got over it. It's time Eddi realized that his continual victim play is just hurting his valuable reputation even more, and his constant bullying through alts and the use of certain other people emphasizes his need to leave SL and find another addiction.

Anonymous said...

Your bizarre preoccupation with Eddi is only drawing more attention to him and his blogs.

...The more attention he gets the worse he looks dude. Everyday I can't imagine what lives behind that avatar Eddi Haskell. If the rumor mill is true he is 54 and out of work in rl sueing his last company. He is obviously going stir crazy with all his free time and lost every form of reality.

Anonymous said...

He was imming me yesterday "look look look at my blog" all exited. I told him to stop imming me I think he is foolish and he deleted my friendship. He doesn't see that this is damaging himself and only himself. I think Eddi Haskell avatar should be dropped and he start new.

Anonymous said...

resident says......My comment was simply an observation on this situation. Look back through these blog archives and you'll see PLENTY of posts and "comments" that sound just as vindictive and silly as the things Eddi is saying.

Nothing on here comes close to the harassment eddi is inflicting on all the inv staff

Anonymous said...

In the office this morning we were dying at the picture 666. As a single girl it scares me people are really like this going after rl information. This Eddie man scares the hoop out of me. Thanks inVd for making us aware of theses people.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a friend of eddi last year until he went psycho on Jake. I knew to stear clear then and I know that even more now. His name cropped up at Mission Beach yesterday and most were saying stay a mile away from him. That I intend to do even more now. He's scary.

Mistic Miles said...

Im sick of this shit - i DONT work because I am suing my last employer - something you know nothing about and yes I like to spend my gfree time here and you wont stop me! For the record, I am older and have some respect. You are all so RUDE!

Cole Sirnah said...

Well to get back to topic. MTD is among the cutest things on two legs and truly genuine person and an amazing friend. Keep your chin up sexy, we don't get enough of either life to waste on the garbage of the either world.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you people can't see the forest for the trees.

It's truly laughable that one of you referred to me as "homophobic" for describing this high school slap fight you have going on with Eddi as "gay drama." Just calling it like I see it.

Now please, post some more childish remarks while denying that your behavior is anything less than stellar.

Anonymous said...

Anyone spending so much time on an individual is insane. Sorry a blog set up to harm someone makes you think what type of people they are truly. inVd is the bomb. I also enjoy reading it at work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria.

Anonymous said...

inV has a great case against this guy. Not only was his blog intentionally set up to harm and cause distress he admits it was him. I'd be calling Linden Labs and file a report at their local police departments. This is a no brainer what he has done.

Anonymous said...

The cat wrapped in explosives is what sent a chill down my spine. Someone as loose in the brain as Eddi now is thinking of blowing up animals. He still doesn't understand where this is leading in his life. He mentions in comments that the cat was cute. I'm very sorry being a parent this is alarming and bells should be going off for everyone about this dangerous human being. I see nothing funny about this man.

Anonymous said...

I am also a s8 males living a gay sl and this is cry for help. Is he going to travel to kill inV. They say first serial killers start with animals and then in people. People like Eddi Haskell have nothing in life so they attack people over and over because it makes him feel powerful. I sure hope this man doesn't set off a nuke and kill us all. God bless

Anonymous said...

To go back to Cole's comments, I remember the pumpkins mtd was wearing around Halloween. Sexy and funny. A great combination. And mtd's a sweet man. Love you, even if someone did get your pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

Eddi Haskell shows all the sings of the making of a serial killer. I have a minor in psychology and the facination of killing small animals and mass murders like Friday the 13th is a sign of warning.

A serial killer is a person who murders usually three or more people over a period of more than 30 days with a "cooling off" period between each murder, whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification. There is often a sexual element to the murders. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common, for example occupation, race, appearance or gender

Someone mentioned all his boyfriends start with J.

Makes you wonder.

Anonymous said...

I noticed all his boyfriends start with J too - so weird. He turned against them all. Now he's after another J - Jason. be careful inv eddi isnt mentally stable.

Anonymous said...

omg look at that pic in the above article of eddi staring at the knife man statue. Eddis nuts

Anonymous said...

lol Eddie's caught in the act again

Anonymous said...

Wether the club scene or anything Eddi has his hands in the scandal. Wether his alts and his latest admitting to this vulgar blog he created. Honestly take up golf.

Anonymous said...

Eddi honestly expects us to believe he has an FBI investigation and police investigation going in two countries because of his blog?? There are several big red flag to why there isn't. Police, first of all, would see that he reprinted intellectual property and not want to touch him with a ten foot pole. Second of all, if they did choose to interact with him, they would tell him not to post anything online at all because that could mess up their case. As we can see, Eddi is posting like mad still on his blog, on and on here. We aren't stupid Eddi. You've ruined any case you may have had (which was none) by posting continually.

Anonymous said...

I think we all know how real eddi takes this place. He shows the negative aspects of Second life. He sounds like a raving loon more than ever.

Anonymous said...

I tell you one thing anyone he comes in contact with is in his death path. This man flubs up more than a drunk driving between the lines. He is a lier and now is gasping he notified the police. As someone mentioned he would be advised not to speak to anyone. He is a bored, lonely old man that cant find work so he plays people. When he doesn't get his way he threatens publicly that now no eyebrows even raise because he used them all up on everyone he ever has talked to. Eddi Haskell is a pervert in sl and than decides to write about it. Do you think anyone reads your blogs? Don't you think you have made yourself out once again a dork and the people around you? You are a waste of life behind that scene.

Anonymous said...

This Eddi guy has brown teeth. He talks so much crap.

Anonymous said...

It's funny I offered frienship at least a year ago in my alt and Eddi still doent know it's me. Everything he tell me I notecard. I emailed something so check your email.

Ammon Pera said...

...Thank you ano much to funny. If we need it in the future will post.

