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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Hi! I'm Grandad Turkey and I'm pleased to be asked for a small commentary on this national holiday. I firmly support that Thanksgiving Day is a time for all of us to take a step back, relax, appreciate and be thankful for all we have. This year, as always, I'm extremely grateful for having escaped the possibility of being a bigger part of this feast and I hope to escape that for many more years! Even in these very tough times with a failing economy and a world that is not as safe as it once was, we can still remember the great times we had and look forward to great times in the future.
I brought a few pictures from our vacation in sunny Florida last Thanksgiving. We spent two weeks with our old neighbors, the Egrets (Ed and Martha), who have retired there to a lovely condo on South Beach.

We spent a few hours every day just sunning ourselves on the beach ....

Of course, we kept up on the latest news from home, including that rather racy picture of the outgoing president and that intern turkey durring a circle-gobble. My gosh I hope we won't see more of his tricks in his remaining weeks!

The only bad thing that happened on our vacation was that cookout at the community center the day before we left. Granny and I had never seen a cross-dressing turkey so you can imagine our surprise! It was not only very sad to see a fallen comrade, but this was just wrong on so many levels!

After seeing that, Granny and I were happy to be flying north and we were anxious to get back to our quiet little farm. It was great seeing Ed and Martha, and they will be enjoying Christmas at our place this year (unless I end up being part of someone else's dinner). Ah ... the life of the freelance turkey. Hope my luck holds out and if so, I'll write again. Have a safe and healthy holiday! And, may I suggest that you consider serving lamb at your home this season? If you cook it right, it's really not all that ba-a-a-ad, After all these years, isn't it time for a change?

Post by: Larz Beresford

First one to IM Ammon Pera inworld wins 1k


Anonymous said...

wow, now thats what I call a real 'TURKEY'

Anonymous said...

lol @ pic of Prez Bush. I bet the turkey wasn't expecting that kind of stuffing...

Ammon Pera said... looks like the turkey on the right has a hardon (lol). Maybe Eddi (H) will get lucky. muah.

Anonymous said...

lol Ammon. I wouldn't trust Eddi with my thanksgiving turkey. He gives stuffing a whole new meaning. He'd probably take photos and brag to the other turks.

Anonymous said...

I have 200 photos of Eddi or Ryce skytower (Eddi's alt) getting stuffed. I wouldn't dought it he'd at least think about it.